Weapons of a Housewife
Analogue Self-Portraits in b/w, Series, since 2022 (ongoing), printed on Baryth Paper

The past is never a fixed point. Through our gaze from the present, we constantly rewrite history. But when the gaze overlooks so much? When society is built on an invisible foundation, a blind spot in the history of great achievements? When the gaze perceives territorial conquests but overlooks the subsequent care of the needy conquerors? Worldwide, women still do more than 75% of all care work and choose part-time or lower-paid jobs that offer them more flexibility to juggle household and job.

But what would happen if people in the care sector put down their „weapons“ and refused to work? „Weapons of a Housewife“ is an analogue self-portrait series that underlines the value of care work, shows appreciation for it and gives it visibility. Kitchen utensils are defamiliarised and deprived of their actual functionality, in some works the function is deliberately underlined and overstylised. Through analogue black-and-white image technology and the use of classic kitchen utensils, appreciation and visibility are extended to historically practised care work.

Ich trage die unsichtbare Arbeit am Körper als Waffe und irgendwann lege ich sie einfach ab
Ich werde erhöht und gleichzeitig zum Schweigen gebracht.